‘When life hands you lemons, make lemonade.’
Sounds easy right? I can say from experience that it’s not.
Like many people in the design industry, the 2008 economic meltdown helped teach me exactly what that phrase means; and for a while things were very difficult. I know many of you can relate.
I set about reinventing myself by establishing this blog – to learn the in’s-and-out’s of building a platform, crafting an effective content strategy, and navigating the omnipresently shifting sands of social media.
It’s been hard work. It’s taken discipline and sacrifice.
But it paid off earlier this year when Rizzoli purchased a proposal I’d written for a very ambitious book about American interior design, born from one my ongoing post here titled ‘Master Class‘ (more on that later!)
This morning I want to share my gratitude for the friends who have supported my blogging efforts in the last 2 1/2 years – Abby Kaufman, Carl Lana, Anthony Costa, John Lyle, Melissa Mittag, Patrick Hamilton, John Eason, Andy Goldsborough, Ashley Bell, Rio Hamilton, Keita Turner, Andrew Joseph, George Hahn, Wendy Silverstein, Barry Goralnick, Wendy Snyder, Christina Juarez, and Dustin O’Neal among many others.
And I’d also like to thank Alexa Hampton, William Clark and Glenn Gissler for believing in me, and being my guardian angels. I am truly blessed to know you.
And now if you’ll excuse me, it’s time to work on a book!