Carl Lana

Design Editor

Carl LanaBeing a native New Yorker, I have seen the posh side and the underbelly of this great city. Those experiences have shaped me and taught me many things about life and how to live it. My career as an interior designer is always in flux. Throughout the past 35 years, I have witnessed many stylistic eras in design. There have been many golden moments and some just not worthy, yet all memorable and having occurred for my benefit.

The focus of my work has been to apply my philosophy of how to live and help my clients to develop the proper backdrop for their own lives.

I have had the great fortune to create wonderfully individual, stylish residences for many types of clients, from young families to jet setting society.

I have never been viewed as a formula driven designer. I always think outside of the box and not intentionally for the sake of sensationalism. This is just who I am.

I consider myself a creative individual who is part of a cycle of development. I belong to no specific school of thought. I am a free spirit. It has not always been easy to grasp this and be comfortable with my status, but as I approach my next decade, I can proudly acclaim to be in tune with myself and have grown to understand the special gifts that I possess. Life is an evolution.

I have an appreciation for the theatrical and base my work on it. My role is to facilitate the manifestation of fantasy. I design with the human condition in mind.

My goal as a writer is to share my experiences and point of view with my readers.

I aim to entertain and inform, to simply offer my perspective as a voyeur in this lifetime.


* information and resources for interior design professionals